Travel Articles & Guides

Cinque Terre Italy Travel Photography
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Finding silence in Cinque Terre

You come to Cinque Terre for beautiful villages, stunning photography and to gain at least a stone in carbohydrates. But in those almost haunted streets, if you listen careful, you might just find yourself...
A photo essay of Laos
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Laos in photos: 20 postcards from lesser-visited Southeast Asia

A Laos travel guide through Photography. From Touristy Luang Prabang down to the less discovered south of this magical South East Asian country
Raja Ampat
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Raja Ampat Indonesia on a Budget

Something you don't often hear is Budget Raja Ampat - However it is possible, here are some tried and tested tips to help you get to these remote islands.
Dieng Plateau Indonesia
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Top five things to do in Dieng Plateau, Indonesia

Dieng Plateau, Indonesia located in central Java is well worth a visit. See the volcanic plates, trek mountains and witness colour changing lakes all in one place. Here are five reasons you should visit...
Temples of Yogyakarta
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Yogyakarta Temples: Visiting Borobudur & Prambanan

Java, the largest of Indonesia's island's is home to two world class UNESCO temples. In Yogyakarta, Borobudur & Prambanan are standout sights.
Sunrise angkor wat photography
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Angkor Wat in photos: 25 postcards from Cambodia’s complex of temples

Lets face it, when people say Cambodia you are probably already thinking of Angelina Jolie and Angkor Wat, right? I am going to let the pictures do the talking. 24 Awesome photos of Angkor Wat (except number 11)...
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26 Ways to Travel Asia cheap: The A to Z

Jump on an Ojek, Explore with a Tuk-Tuk, Sail on a Junk Boat. The A to Z, 26 Ways to travel Asia cheap...
Istanbul Photography
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Istanbul in photos: 20 postcards from Turkey’s beguiling capital

Istanbul was one of those places I didn't feel a need to 'do' but rather just to 'spend time' in. I soaked it up and snapped away. These 24 photos should be enough to make you get booking your own Turkey ticket...
Venice Travel Guide
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Venice in photos: 20 postcards from the heart-stealing city of canals

It took four visits to be sure, but it can't be denied. My love for Venice goes beyond crowds and gondolas, it's the little moments that won my heart. My Venice travel guide is more photos and jumbled emotions than a list of must do's.
Dan Flying Solo
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Exploring Fraser Island with Unique Fraser

With highway-beaches-airport combos, crystal clear lakes, mantas, champagne pools and the only rainforest known to grow on sand Fraser Island is one unique place. As I learnt, you will want more than one day here...
Rio Samba
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The highs and lows of a samba with Rio

" Bang. Drive. On the floor" The heartbreaking noises that broke the stillness rang on. I was in someone else's reality, a heartbreaking one haunted with gun shots...
Sri Lanka Tea Plantations
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Tea & Trains: Exploring Sri Lanka Hill Country

The breathtaking train from Kandy to Ella delivers you to Sri Lanka hill country. Tea plantations, rolling hills and a slower pace of life welcome you. This was one of my favourite parts of my journey through Sri Lanka, come find out why.
Where to stay in Bali
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Bali: Beautiful or Beyond Repair

Love it or hate it? There are two camps when it comes to Bali. From trashed beaches and trashy nightclubs to black sands, incredible culture and never ending natural beauty. Three visits gave me plenty of insight...
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Whitehaven beach: The worlds finest?

The Whitsundays beach situation is usually summed up with the picture perfect Whitehaven beach. Where to start? Fly over or swim under? This one of those places that truly took my breath away, let me tell you why.
Sri Lanka Sigiriya
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Climbing Sigiriya Rock, Sri Lanka

Heights, seriously petrified! But, If I made it to the top then you can too. Climbing Sigiriya rock is well worth it, I have the photo proof right here! Come and explore one of Sri Lankas UNESCO world heritage sights and discover the remains of history.
Balloons over Bagan review
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The Best Bagan Sunrise Spot? In the air…

The breathtaking sight of sunrise over the old Pagan Kingdom is one of my all time top travel memories. But is a flight with Balloons over Bagan worth the crazy money and is it the right thing to do?
Luxembourg City
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Luxembourg City the most underrated in Europe?

When we talk about 'tax havens' and 'business cities' you cant help but conjure up the image of a sterile, modern, suit covered land. This is certainly not a case in point. Imagine castles, ramparts and where Harry Potter could have been filmed and you have more than enough reason to visit Luxembourg City.
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Not screwing up Mount Bromo without a tour

Crap, it's already 4am! I was cussing myself for not getting on board the jeep tour, there was no way I would see sunrise now... But, hey, these things have a way of working out. Exploring Mount Bromo without a tour (and very last minute) is totally doable!
Safari in Sri Lanka
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On Safari in Sri Lanka

A Safari in Sri Lanka allows you to get up close to Elephants in the wild as well as a whole host of animal life. Welcome to Minneriya National Park.
Lake Bled Slovenia
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Lake Bled Slovenia: Europe’s not so secret Gem

Lake Bled in Slovenia is no longer a secret but is still a perfect day trip from Ljubljana. Mountains, castles and nature - a real Europe must see.
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Myanmar in photos: 20 postcards from the timeless land of temples

'Travel to Myanmar and be rewarded with beautiful smiles, breathtaking sunrises and enchanting history' - Is it really all the guidebooks make it out to be?
Ljubljana in Slovenia
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Ljubljana: The cutest capital city…

Move on over Amsterdam. Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia is moving in with canal charm and cute coffee shops. Get there pronto...