Cambodia Articles

Green rice fields of Chau Doc as seen while perched on a rock
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Meandering along the Mekong: Phnom Penh to Chau Doc by boat

Travelling from Phnom Penh to Chau Doc will reward you with lush rice fields, temples and floating villages. Details on boats, visas and hotels.
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Cambodian Genocide: The Killing Fields & S21 Prison

Cambodia is a country with a heartbreaking and recent history. The Killing Fields and S21 Prison now welcome tourists to try and understand this dark past It is not often I am reduced to tears in public, but here tragic history consumed me.
Sunrise angkor wat photography
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Angkor Wat in photos: 25 postcards from Cambodia’s complex of temples

Lets face it, when people say Cambodia you are probably already thinking of Angelina Jolie and Angkor Wat, right? I am going to let the pictures do the talking. 24 Awesome photos of Angkor Wat (except number 11)...