Travel Tips

Maldives Holiday
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5 Tips for Finding Luxury Vacation Deals

There is no fixed formula for finding a luxury vacation deal, but these are five tried-and-tested methods for scoring an affordable splurge.
Using a phone and staying connected with the eSIM USA
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How To Get Unlimited Data in the States in Seconds: Holafly USA eSIM 

Looking for the best unlimited internet choice for travelling to the States? Discover the simple to setup prepaid eSIM USA from Holafly.
Hong Kong Waterfront Travel Guide
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43 Best travel apps in 2023 for iPhone and Android

From pollen counts to star gazing, our phones can pretty much do anything these days. Here's what I have on my handset for the year to come...
Dan Flying Solo
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Best language learning apps for your phone

Sure, it's easy enough to get around most of the world speaking English but where is the fun in that? Do you really want to be the typical tourist just saying it louder and slower. Here are some great, free and easy to use phone apps to learn foreign languages in your pocket.
Bosnia Herzegovina
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Holafly, the eSIM for travelling to Europe and avoiding roaming fees

Produced in partnership with HolaFly Sadly, the days of travelling with just a beat-up map and our gut instincts are long gone, and while it's still nice to dabble in some off the beaten path adventures in Europe or further afield, the digital…
Salamanca as seen from the river at blue hour
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Learn Spanish online: 7 ways to study Spanish without a language school

There are countless reasons you might want to learn Spanish online rather than take classes. For some, it may be a matter of cost; for others, it could be simply wanting to master the basics for an upcoming trip, while many might just want…
Dan Flying Solo

How to teach English abroad and see the world

Choosing to embark into the world of TEFL is a great way to experience other cultures. Not only can you teach all over the world, but you can also fund your travels with your teaching salary.
Bali Indonesia

12 Random things you should pack for long term travel

When it comes to backpacking around the world, travelling light is always the end goal. These might not be the most obvious things to pack, but they are always with me on any trip.
Flying cheap
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How to find cheap flights from the USA and UK straight to your inbox

Cheap flights and return fare tickets can be snapped up at a steal thanks to a few hard working guys who bring you flight deals to your inbox
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How to get scuba certified and why you should

My first venture into scuba diving took place in the tropical waters of Thailand. My friend, a qualified PADI instructor, had dragged me to sign up for a discovery dive while we were staying near Koh Phi Phi.
Arriving into the Maldives with an unexpected business upgrade on an already 'free' ticket
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20 tips + hacks for cheap flights

"How do you travel so much" they say. "It's all about cheap flights" I say. So here they are, 20 tips that are gonna get you killer savings. You're welcome...
Best Accommodation Sri Lanka
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11 Alternative Accommodation options

Bored of Hotels? Want to get local? Need a free place to crash or fancy something new? Whether you are broke, intrigued or looking to settle down these 12 travel accommodation ideas could help find your next 'home'...
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26 Ways to Travel Asia cheap: The A to Z

Jump on an Ojek, Explore with a Tuk-Tuk, Sail on a Junk Boat. The A to Z, 26 Ways to travel Asia cheap...