Travel Photography Articles

The traditional thatched houses of Santana, a pointed triangle shaped house with colourful blue and red windows and flowers outside
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Madeira in photos: 40 postcards from Portugal’s island of eternal spring

Photos of Madeira will quickly make you fall in love with this dreamy destination, an island of Portugal full of nature!
Kumbh Mela
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The Kumbh Mela in photos: 25 postcards (and facts) from India’s greatest gathering

The Kumbh Mela is the largest, and one of the most spiritual, events globally. Enjoy these photos and facts for an introductory insight.
Suzhou China
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China in photos: 50 postcards from Beijing to Hong Kong by train

China is vast, but in two weeks I managed to traverse from the north to the south along the east coast, here are some snapshots of my favourite places.
A luxury stay at Mauritius' Trou aux Biches Beachcomber
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Mauritius in photos: 35 postcards from an Indian Ocean escape

If you are looking for paradise with a slice of adventure thrown in, these 50 reasons will have you booking a ticket to Mauritius in no time at all!
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Peru in photos: 20 postcards from Cusco and Inca culture

For years I had this idea I would take an instant camera to the Andes in Peru and explore the incredible Inca history and culture so I did, here is what I discovered on the Lares Trek.
Berat Albania
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Albania in photos: 25 postcards from this underrated Balkan beauty

From battering with cigarettes for directions to hidden waterfalls, sleeping in castles and getting a car stuck 2 minutes after picking up hitchhikers, check out these stories and Albania photos from that epic road trip.
Iceland aerial photography
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Iceland in photos: 40 postcards from a snow-heavy winter visit

Iceland in winter is a snowy, magical and usually dark winter wonderland... these 20 photos give you a glimpse into why the cold months might be the best time to visit.
Cinque Terre is one of the most beautiful places in Italy
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Cinque Terre in photos: A quick guide to Italy’s five lands

So, a few weeks ago a National Geographic editor whittled down 24k+ images to 32 on the theme of Reflection, and somehow one of mine made the cut. No credit to me, have you seen how photogenic Cinque Terre is...
Tah Mahal Photography Tips
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The Taj Mahal in photos: 15 postcards from India’s magnificent mausoleum

I'm gonna admit, I used to hate photographing world famous landmarks. Photographing the Taj Mahal is no different, but here are 14 photography tips to help you get a unique view of this famous monument.
A photo essay of Laos
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Laos in photos: 20 postcards from lesser-visited Southeast Asia

A Laos travel guide through Photography. From Touristy Luang Prabang down to the less discovered south of this magical South East Asian country
Sunrise angkor wat photography
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Angkor Wat in photos: 25 postcards from Cambodia’s complex of temples

Lets face it, when people say Cambodia you are probably already thinking of Angelina Jolie and Angkor Wat, right? I am going to let the pictures do the talking. 24 Awesome photos of Angkor Wat (except number 11)...
Istanbul Photography
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Istanbul in photos: 20 postcards from Turkey’s beguiling capital

Istanbul was one of those places I didn't feel a need to 'do' but rather just to 'spend time' in. I soaked it up and snapped away. These 24 photos should be enough to make you get booking your own Turkey ticket...
Venice Travel Guide
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Venice in photos: 20 postcards from the heart-stealing city of canals

It took four visits to be sure, but it can't be denied. My love for Venice goes beyond crowds and gondolas, it's the little moments that won my heart. My Venice travel guide is more photos and jumbled emotions than a list of must do's.
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Myanmar in photos: 20 postcards from the timeless land of temples

'Travel to Myanmar and be rewarded with beautiful smiles, breathtaking sunrises and enchanting history' - Is it really all the guidebooks make it out to be?