Stories and Faces from the road

Whangamomona Republic Day
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Whangamomona Republic Day: that time I went to vote for a cat in an election…

The self-proclaimed Republic of Whangamomona is tucked away in Taranaki, New Zealand. On 'Republic Day', the 125-strong population – plus animals – welcome everyone for the grand election.
Mexico City
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The ‘post-pandemic’ lessons we can learn as travellers from the Tourism Recovery Programme

In Mexico City, sustainable and community-focused tourism businesses are bouncing back from the pandemic with the Tourism Recovery Programme.
Cinque Terre Italy Travel Guide
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Best Things To Do in Italy: 15 Unforgettable Italian Experiences

Italy has become one of my favourite countries, and here are some of my favourite Italy experiences from over the years.
The Peace Palace at night
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An eye-opening visit to The Hague during the Peace and Justice weekend

Every year The Hague, known as the city of peace and justice, opens its most important institutions to the public, providing the perfect chance to learn.
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Discovering Dominica, the wild isle that stole my heart

My journey through Dominica was one of mangos and smiles, canyons and black sand, waterfalls and rainforests. The wild side of the Caribbean stole my heart.
Kumbh Mela Aarti
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Attending the worlds largest spiritual gathering: The Prayagraj Kumbh Mela

Unlike anything I have ever witnessed, The Prayagraj Kumbh Mela was a unique experience to attend. Here is the story of how my short time was spent.
Cremations Varanasi
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Cremations and celebrations: A journey through Varanasi, India’s holiest city

Varanasi is a city unlike any other. My one day in Varanasi was incredible, from the ceremonies on the Ghats before sunrise until the incredible celebrations after sunset.
Mauritius Cultural Dance
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More to Mauritius: Unearthing adventures beyond the beaches

I expected soft white sands. I expected azure waters lapping at my feet. I expected luxury resorts akin to a windows desktop screensaver. But, what I didn’t realise was how much more there is to Mauritius.
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Discovering Port Douglas and Aboriginal Culture

Ever since I moved to Sydney I was adamant I wanted to learn more about Aboriginal culture and the indigenous people of this vast land. Learning from a book is one thing, but to spend time with a local and understand their perspective is far more valuable...
The West Bank
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Palestine: Jericho and the unexpected west bank

People drank coffee, tea or the locally brewed beer. Shop keepers laugh as they exchange banter with their customers. It was a normal day in the West Bank...
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Brain Haemorrhages and Bucket-lists

“I was in a coma. 10% chance of making it. My memory was deemed gone.” - We throw around the word Bucketlist these days, but what happens when you get the second chance to write it? How does it lead you to the slums of Delhi?
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Cambodian Genocide: The Killing Fields & S21 Prison

Cambodia is a country with a heartbreaking and recent history. The Killing Fields and S21 Prison now welcome tourists to try and understand this dark past It is not often I am reduced to tears in public, but here tragic history consumed me.
Cinque Terre Italy Travel Photography
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Finding silence in Cinque Terre

You come to Cinque Terre for beautiful villages, stunning photography and to gain at least a stone in carbohydrates. But in those almost haunted streets, if you listen careful, you might just find yourself...
Rio Samba
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The highs and lows of a samba with Rio

" Bang. Drive. On the floor" The heartbreaking noises that broke the stillness rang on. I was in someone else's reality, a heartbreaking one haunted with gun shots...