Journal & Personal Articles

Whangamomona Republic Day
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Whangamomona Republic Day: that time I went to vote for a cat in an election…

The self-proclaimed Republic of Whangamomona is tucked away in Taranaki, New Zealand. On 'Republic Day', the 125-strong population – plus animals – welcome everyone for the grand election.
A blurry shot of Tbilisi at night, with the light and shape of the fortress and river bridge
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An ode to arriving

That feeling of first setting foot in a new nation - the scents, the flavours, new words, new cultures, new stories being written in real-time.
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How to get scuba certified and why you should

My first venture into scuba diving took place in the tropical waters of Thailand. My friend, a qualified PADI instructor, had dragged me to sign up for a discovery dive while we were staying near Koh Phi Phi.
Mauritius Cultural Dance
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More to Mauritius: Unearthing adventures beyond the beaches

I expected soft white sands. I expected azure waters lapping at my feet. I expected luxury resorts akin to a windows desktop screensaver. But, what I didn’t realise was how much more there is to Mauritius.

EXCITED! I’m joining the Lonely Planet Trailblazer family (and how you can too)

I'm joining the LP Trailblazers family (and I kinda still don't believe it) - that moment when dreams come true...
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Discovering Port Douglas and Aboriginal Culture

Ever since I moved to Sydney I was adamant I wanted to learn more about Aboriginal culture and the indigenous people of this vast land. Learning from a book is one thing, but to spend time with a local and understand their perspective is far more valuable...
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Brain Haemorrhages and Bucket-lists

“I was in a coma. 10% chance of making it. My memory was deemed gone.” - We throw around the word Bucketlist these days, but what happens when you get the second chance to write it? How does it lead you to the slums of Delhi?
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Cambodian Genocide: The Killing Fields & S21 Prison

Cambodia is a country with a heartbreaking and recent history. The Killing Fields and S21 Prison now welcome tourists to try and understand this dark past It is not often I am reduced to tears in public, but here tragic history consumed me.
Cinque Terre Italy Travel Photography
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Finding silence in Cinque Terre

You come to Cinque Terre for beautiful villages, stunning photography and to gain at least a stone in carbohydrates. But in those almost haunted streets, if you listen careful, you might just find yourself...
Rio Samba
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The highs and lows of a samba with Rio

" Bang. Drive. On the floor" The heartbreaking noises that broke the stillness rang on. I was in someone else's reality, a heartbreaking one haunted with gun shots...