India Articles

Lucknow Mosque
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A quick look at Lucknow: one day in the Uttar Pradesh capital

My one day in Lucknow was completely unexpected but determined to make the most of the flying visit, I crammed a lot into my short time in Uttar Pradesh.
Kumbh Mela
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The Kumbh Mela in photos: 25 postcards (and facts) from India’s greatest gathering

The Kumbh Mela is the largest, and one of the most spiritual, events globally. Enjoy these photos and facts for an introductory insight.
Kumbh Mela Aarti
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Attending the worlds largest spiritual gathering: The Prayagraj Kumbh Mela

Unlike anything I have ever witnessed, The Prayagraj Kumbh Mela was a unique experience to attend. Here is the story of how my short time was spent.
Cremations Varanasi
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Cremations and celebrations: A journey through Varanasi, India’s holiest city

Varanasi is a city unlike any other. My one day in Varanasi was incredible, from the ceremonies on the Ghats before sunrise until the incredible celebrations after sunset.
Taj Mahal Photography Tips
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The Golden Triangle with a Twist

The golden triangle which makes up Agra, Delhi and Jaipur is one of the most famous routes to travel in India. But how can you make it unique? How much of an insight into India do we really want?
Tah Mahal Photography Tips
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The Taj Mahal in photos: 15 postcards from India’s magnificent mausoleum

I'm gonna admit, I used to hate photographing world famous landmarks. Photographing the Taj Mahal is no different, but here are 14 photography tips to help you get a unique view of this famous monument.