Travel Articles & Guides

Best Accommodation Sri Lanka
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Awesome Hotels in Sri Lanka with incredible pools

I have an addiction for unique hotels, specifically ones with incredible pools. So when I visited Sri Lanka it became a running theme to discover the best this country had to offer.
Bali Best Hidden Beach
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The Best Hidden Beach In Bali. Don’t tell everyone…

Driving on dirt tracks, climbing down steep stairs and dashing through trees of monkeys. It's all worth it when you get to the best beach in Bali!
Lake Komani Albania
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Video: Lake Komani Albania – Boat tour perfection

Lake Komani, where to start? When I drove into Albania I had no idea I was about to take one of the most beautiful boat rides of my life. Luckily, I filmed it so you can take it too...
Mont Saint Michel
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France Day Trips: Mont Saint-Michel

Who the hell doesn't want to hang out drinking wine, practicing dodgy French and well, drinking lots more wine on a private castle island?!? I thought as much... welcome to Mont St Michel!
Edinburgh Festivals Budget Guide
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Edinburgh Festivals Budget Travel Guide

The prices in Edinburgh during August can sky rocket due to the Fringe and other festivals taking place. Don't let that put you off though because I have pulled together all the tips to enjoy this epic city without breaking the bank!
Montenegro Travel Guide
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Montenegro Travel Guide & Road Trip Itinerary

You might know about Kotor, you could know about the beaches... but do you know what is in the mountains of Montenegro? I went on a road trip to discover just how incredible this country is, now its your turn to book a ticket!
Berat Albania Trave Guide
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Is Berat, Albania the Balkans cutest city?

'Our guest house is in the Castle' I slowly repeated to the police man again. He wagged his finger at me, waved his hands around in the air like a snake and then grinned like a big kid. We would learn that translated to 'Move your god damn car...'
Caen & Bayeux in France
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Castles, Crepes and Wine Weekends: Exploring Caen & Bayeux in France

The north of France is full of history with Caen and Bayeux being no exception. An easy day trip from Paris, or stop over night to visit the famous tapestry and castle of William the Conqueror. Unless you get distracted by wine and cheese...
Stockholm Weekend City Guide
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Stockholm weekend itinerary without breaking the bank…

Stockholm in summer is a city known for its sky high prices but it does not need to cost a bomb. Get creative and you can enjoy one of my favourite cities without breaking the bank. From Kayaks to Ice Bars its time for a last minute trip...
The West Bank
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Palestine: Jericho and the unexpected west bank

People drank coffee, tea or the locally brewed beer. Shop keepers laugh as they exchange banter with their customers. It was a normal day in the West Bank...
Taj Mahal Photography Tips
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The Golden Triangle with a Twist

The golden triangle which makes up Agra, Delhi and Jaipur is one of the most famous routes to travel in India. But how can you make it unique? How much of an insight into India do we really want?
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10 Best Budget Things in Hong Kong

I teamed up with Travelex to discover the sights, sounds and buzz of Hong Kong... on a budget! But don't think saving every penny, think getting #LuxuryForLess in this electric city...
Cinque Terre is one of the most beautiful places in Italy
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Cinque Terre in photos: A quick guide to Italy’s five lands

So, a few weeks ago a National Geographic editor whittled down 24k+ images to 32 on the theme of Reflection, and somehow one of mine made the cut. No credit to me, have you seen how photogenic Cinque Terre is...
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Brain Haemorrhages and Bucket-lists

“I was in a coma. 10% chance of making it. My memory was deemed gone.” - We throw around the word Bucketlist these days, but what happens when you get the second chance to write it? How does it lead you to the slums of Delhi?
Italy hidden gem, Camogli
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Checking into Camogli, The Best of Italy

Portofino and Cinque Terre might get all the attention in this region of Italy but the colourful, small and often over looked Camogli deserves a check in to enjoy the simple slower life.
Arriving into the Maldives with an unexpected business upgrade on an already 'free' ticket
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20 tips + hacks for cheap flights

"How do you travel so much" they say. "It's all about cheap flights" I say. So here they are, 20 tips that are gonna get you killer savings. You're welcome...
Tah Mahal Photography Tips
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The Taj Mahal in photos: 15 postcards from India’s magnificent mausoleum

I'm gonna admit, I used to hate photographing world famous landmarks. Photographing the Taj Mahal is no different, but here are 14 photography tips to help you get a unique view of this famous monument.
The Dambulla Caves
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The Dambulla Caves: Sri Lanka

The Dambulla caves are just one of eight UNESCO attractions in this country. I happily spent hours admiring the incredible artwork on the walls here. If there is one thing I keep repeating, it is get you ass to Sri Lanka before everyone else does!
Best Accommodation Sri Lanka
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11 Alternative Accommodation options

Bored of Hotels? Want to get local? Need a free place to crash or fancy something new? Whether you are broke, intrigued or looking to settle down these 12 travel accommodation ideas could help find your next 'home'...
Mount Bromo Sunrise
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49 Reasons to visit Indonesia

With 17,000+ Islands cutting it down to 49 reasons was no easy task. But, just in case I don't make myself clear. The memo is: Clear your diary and get straight to Indonesia...
Stockholm Summer Photography
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Why you should visit Stockholm in Summer

Scandinavia is celebrated for snow and northern lights, Abba and Ikea. But I always find their cities a little boring in winter months. This surprisingly green capital city however is a win in Summer, heres why you will be buzzing to book your ticket...
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Cambodian Genocide: The Killing Fields & S21 Prison

Cambodia is a country with a heartbreaking and recent history. The Killing Fields and S21 Prison now welcome tourists to try and understand this dark past It is not often I am reduced to tears in public, but here tragic history consumed me.
Gili Islands
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The Gili Islands Guide

Surrounded by crystal clear coral waters, beautiful beaches, snorkel, scuba, turtles, those sunsets and the odd methanol poisoning. Which Gili Island is the right one for you?
A weekend in Northern France with Brittany Ferries
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A weekend in Northern France with Brittany Ferries

Castles, cheese, crepes and character. Exploring Normandy and Brittany for the weekend is an ideal side trip from either Paris or by ferry from the South of England. Even if you keep failing your driving test like moi!