
EXCITED! I’m joining the Lonely Planet Trailblazer family (and how you can too)

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Updated: 4th December 2017

UPDATE 2022: While I do continue to write for Lonely Planet, they have now terminated the Pathfinder programme mentioned in this article. For the latest opportunities with LP click here. I’ve kept this post up for nostalgic reasons :)

It’s the kind of news you dream of hearing but don’t think could actually happen, and then when it does, it’s hard to believe it.

I found out earlier in the year that Lonely Planet was expanding its brand ambassador programme, and I was one of the lucky few that had been chosen. I made the most embarrassing shriek of my life in my New Zealand hostel common room and celebrated with a can of tuna (the pot noodle just wasn’t gonna cut it).

And now, it’s all official and announced; I’ve had my induction into the office (and I’m starting to believe it)!


If you don’t know my backstory, I only started travelling properly in 2014, and over the last couple of years, I’ve self-taught myself photography, videography and web design to keep my life on the road going.

To now be able to work with a brand I respect so much and who really shares my passions and ethics when it comes to travel is beyond exciting!

What does being a Lonely Planet Trailblazer mean for me?

To quote Lonely Planet:  ‘These Pathfinders have graduated to become fully-fledged ambassadors for Lonely Planet – so you can expect to see a lot more of them on lonelyplanet.com and beyond from now on.’

Over the past eighteen months, I’ve had some incredible assignments with Lonely Planet, and I’m hoping to have more of the same as this partnership expands. I love that they are such an open team to work with, and pitches go both ways meaning any destination, idea, and story is open for discussion.

Personally, it has given me the confidence to really commit to photography, videography and blogging full-time from January. By choice, I generally pay for all my own travel, which can rack up the costs when it is 365 days a year. The plus side of this is I can pick where I go and what I cover; the downside is I’ll spend a lot of time doing web design work to make ends meet. As of January 27th, I’m moving to Portugal, making a base and excited for the extra time that will allow me to focus on making quality travel content.

What kind of stuff will I be working on with LP?

The best thing about being a Pathfinder is the variety of projects I’ve been able to work on. From presenting videos about the culture in Queensland to filming the epic Lares Trek in Peru, I’m really hoping to focus on videos next year.

I’ve also penned some posts on the website from places such as SingaporeEdinburgh and Montenegro. Taken the LP Snapchat to explore Taranaki, Japan and The Bellarine Peninsula. I dished out a few Instagram takeovers from Oman, Portugal and The Balkans and have been able to get involved with plenty more cool travel stuff.

Essentially, it’s varied, exciting and rewarding – three of my favourite things. The best part? The team at LP are awesome, and really do take the time to help the Pathfinders community develop their talent and style.

How you can join the Lonely Planet Pathfinders family…

If you are a travel blogger, Instagrammer, YouTuber/Videographer, or travel photographer, then join the pathfinders’ team.

Taken straight from the LP site: ‘We want to foster the best talent out there and help share your incredible stories with a global audience. As a Lonely Planet Pathfinder, you’ll be able to take on a range of tasks, from writing content for our website and sharing tips and advice with the Lonely Planet community to becoming an official brand ambassador. Whether you’re new to the scene or a seasoned pro, there’s a place for you with Lonely Planet Pathfinders.’

It’s not all about big numbers at LP; they want to find people with a passion for travel who can share stories from the road.

The programme has three stages. Community, Assignment and Trailblazer, but it’s not set in stone; some people jump up or get assignments early on. Initially, at the community level, you can get involved by sharing your work on the monthly round-ups and get noticed by the team at LP. After that, all of the above is a possibility.

You can find out more about Pathfinders here or jump in and sign up here.

Trust me, you never know where it might take you ;)

16 replies
  1. sana says:

    I’m the proud momma of Nicole Booth from Lost in Africa. who has just become Lonely Planet’s youngest pathfinder =) who knows maybe one day she’ll join you as a trailblazer.
    Would mean the world to us if you could check out her vlog and give us your feedback. All the best!

  2. Julian Green says:

    I really loved your post! It held a lot of very useful information and great tips. Most helpful I have read yet.

  3. heba otat-travel says:

    Thank you for this interesting post which is rich by beautiful photography and video graphy . I really liked it very much

  4. Gabriela says:

    Congratulations Dan Flying Solo on becoming a Trailblazer. I’m the proud momma of Nicole Booth from Lost in Africa. who has just become Lonely Planet’s youngest pathfinder =) who knows maybe one day she’ll join you as a trailblazer.
    Would mean the world to us if you could check out her vlog and give us your feedback. All the best! http://www.youtube.com/nicolebooth

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