Comments on: Day trips from Bologna: 16 best things to do in Emilia Romagna Travel Blog & Travel Photography | Exploring the world solo... Thu, 21 Sep 2023 13:28:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Megan Tue, 11 May 2021 08:58:15 +0000 The way of writing the content is so beautiful and I appreciate the way of writing this beautiful content. The blog is worth reading Thanks for sharing.

By: Tilak Shrestha Sun, 28 Mar 2021 08:45:46 +0000 Thank you so much for the post, I am learning a lot from this post.

By: Daniel James (Dan Flying Solo) Sat, 03 Oct 2020 13:45:58 +0000 In reply to Jason.

Hey Jason,

Personally, I’d still opt to stay in Bologna, as the zoning area is the historical centre. For example, the area just behind the train station, the more modern part of the city, there’s quite a bit of parking and accommodation there and it’s about 15/20 minutes into the centre – likewise for a few other areas on the outskirts. Similar for the other cities in the region, the walks are quite short from the centre and I felt fine walking around after dark. For Parma and Modena, the trains are pretty decent too, but for the smaller spots yeah a car will make a huge difference.

My top three, in order would be (excluding Parma and Modena)
Brisighella – as it’s a bit different, more of a Tuscany village vibe and as it’s quite small, it wouldn’t need to be a full day. It is a 1-hour drive each way though, so depends if that kind of place is your interest, but scenery wise it’s great and theres some nice small places to eat and wineries in that area.

The mosaics and architecture in Ravenna would make it a must visit for me, they really are spectacular, and then you aren’t far to spend a couple of hours in Commachio, for the canals there and maybe dinner on route back.

If you are already doing Bologna/Modena/Palma I’d personally say skipping places like Reggio Emilia or Rimini isn’t a problem, as they are all relatively similar in architecture, and I don’t really rate the beaches too much for Rimini. San Marino is obviously a cool day trip, for the fact you can go to another country and it is spectacular, but for the smaller forest towns, I think they would be a bit of a hassle for a day trip and perhaps not worth it IMO.

Safe travels!

By: Jason Fri, 02 Oct 2020 21:05:09 +0000 Hi Dan – really appreciate the blogs (making my way through many now). I want to get a car to visit much of these smaller towns however what do you suggest in terms of a base, as you cannot enter the inner cities of bologna, parma etc due to zoning? I want to be able to enjoy dinner and drinks whist stumbling home but also have the freedom to visit these smaller towns – what would you recommend for that?

Also – if you had to choose 3 day trips using Bologna as a base – what would they be? Note that Parma and Modena are already a given. Late 20’s – massive foodie, love nice scenery, wineries etc


By: Daniel James (Dan Flying Solo) Thu, 06 Feb 2020 02:12:22 +0000 In reply to alessandro.

Hi Alex,

Sadly I didn’t make it to Forli or Cesena, I hoped to go to the latter from Cesenatico but always seemed to be transport problems when I was around the area. I spent some time in Foreste Casentinesi, Ridracoli Dam and Bagno di Romagna, which I touched on at the end of on my Po Delta Article ( but haven’t had a chance to write anything in depth about the hills yet. Don’t worry, there was plenty wine tasting, cycling and of-course food tours! I’ve had four visits to Emilia Romagna, and fell behind on my content there, I criminally haven’t even written an article about Bologna alone yet :)

Thanks, and safe travels!

By: alessandro Wed, 05 Feb 2020 15:55:30 +0000 Hi Dan, very good article but what you have written about is just a little and most touristy part of Emilia and part of Romagna. You missed and didn’t mention, (probably cause I you haven’t been here at all) the cities of Forlì and Cesena, the real and autherntic heart of Romagna,thre hills, the food, wine, tours, cycling etc.
Enjoy your next trip

By: Jessica Sun, 17 Nov 2019 04:29:58 +0000 This is a comprehensive blog. So engaging and so details. I loved it. Thanks and hoping for another similar blog.

By: Sushant Sinha Thu, 14 Nov 2019 20:21:56 +0000 Amazing Post. Thanks for sharing the article, I’m truly motivated by you to travel more. I have a dream to explore the world. Thanks again.

By: Bhavya Mon, 28 Oct 2019 11:29:58 +0000 Hey Dan,
This is a fantastic post, I enjoyed the detailed guide and look forward to reading about your travels

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By: simandhareducation Tue, 15 Oct 2019 14:31:55 +0000 I would go this month, thanks for sharing beautiful information about delightful place –Emilia Romagna

By: Daniel James (Dan Flying Solo) Thu, 16 May 2019 11:14:40 +0000 In reply to Glynnis Elaine Newdigate.

Hi Glynnis,

Have a fantastic time in Italy. While trains are pretty good, the connections to some of the smaller spots aren’t ideal, so I do recommend hiring a car yes, it will make it much easier, though try to seek accommodation that provides parking options, especially in any cities where on-street parking is scarce.
