Art and Culture Articles

The West Bank
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Palestine: Jericho and the unexpected west bank

People drank coffee, tea or the locally brewed beer. Shop keepers laugh as they exchange banter with their customers. It was a normal day in the West Bank...
Taj Mahal Photography Tips
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The Golden Triangle with a Twist

The golden triangle which makes up Agra, Delhi and Jaipur is one of the most famous routes to travel in India. But how can you make it unique? How much of an insight into India do we really want?
The Dambulla Caves
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The Dambulla Caves: Sri Lanka

The Dambulla caves are just one of eight UNESCO attractions in this country. I happily spent hours admiring the incredible artwork on the walls here. If there is one thing I keep repeating, it is get you ass to Sri Lanka before everyone else does!
Cinque Terre Italy Travel Photography
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Finding silence in Cinque Terre

You come to Cinque Terre for beautiful villages, stunning photography and to gain at least a stone in carbohydrates. But in those almost haunted streets, if you listen careful, you might just find yourself...
Temples of Yogyakarta
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Yogyakarta Temples: Visiting Borobudur & Prambanan

Java, the largest of Indonesia's island's is home to two world class UNESCO temples. In Yogyakarta, Borobudur & Prambanan are standout sights.
Sunrise angkor wat photography
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Angkor Wat in photos: 25 postcards from Cambodia’s complex of temples

Lets face it, when people say Cambodia you are probably already thinking of Angelina Jolie and Angkor Wat, right? I am going to let the pictures do the talking. 24 Awesome photos of Angkor Wat (except number 11)...
Istanbul Photography
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Istanbul in photos: 20 postcards from Turkey’s beguiling capital

Istanbul was one of those places I didn't feel a need to 'do' but rather just to 'spend time' in. I soaked it up and snapped away. These 24 photos should be enough to make you get booking your own Turkey ticket...
Sri Lanka Sigiriya
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Climbing Sigiriya Rock, Sri Lanka

Heights, seriously petrified! But, If I made it to the top then you can too. Climbing Sigiriya rock is well worth it, I have the photo proof right here! Come and explore one of Sri Lankas UNESCO world heritage sights and discover the remains of history.
Balloons over Bagan review
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The Best Bagan Sunrise Spot? In the air…

The breathtaking sight of sunrise over the old Pagan Kingdom is one of my all time top travel memories. But is a flight with Balloons over Bagan worth the crazy money and is it the right thing to do?
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Myanmar in photos: 20 postcards from the timeless land of temples

'Travel to Myanmar and be rewarded with beautiful smiles, breathtaking sunrises and enchanting history' - Is it really all the guidebooks make it out to be?